

Business Menu List : booking

" is a traveling metasearch engine for lodging appointments. It is possessed and run by and is the key earnings source of United States-based Reservation Holdings and is headquartered in Amsterdam.
The website has more than 28 million listings. The site is available in 43 languages. and also its sis business were the top spender in the travel & tourism classification for Google Adwords in 2016, investing $3.5 billion in PPC, Pay-per-click.

In January 2013,'s initial brand campaign, 'Booking.yeah', was launched online, broadcast on television terminals as well as in theater and also on TV networks, for the UNITED STATE market with advertising agency Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam. In September 2013, Australia became the 2nd market to check out the project. In January 2014, the firm released an advertising campaign in Canada, in February 2014 the firm released an ad campaign in the U.K. as well as in July 2014, the company launched an ad campaign in Germany."